Volunteering & Partnership



Real and lasting changes requires more than just financial assistance.

ORF has been very successful in engaging volunteers and interns in different projects who contribute their time, energy and resources to create change locally. We are looking for people like “YOU” to make a direct impact in our community.

Therefore ORF partner with different stakeholders to curate, connect, catalyze and communicate the idea of a new Odisha that is emerging beyond its big cities and it connects Government to ideas, ideas to action and citizens to Government for a sustainable and inclusive society of ALL.

Email: info@odisharising.in

WhatApp: +91 9861367461
Teaching and Virtual Training: For children, youths and women

“Partnerships” the 17th SDG is a key to sustainable and impactful growth and with diversity and right networking, goals can be achieved. With this belief, ORF partners with several grass-roots CSOs, Government, corporates and individuals who actively engage and have the vision to make a considerable difference to win the battle against poverty through logistical, financial and knowlegde support.

We help corporates & PSUs design and implement effective SCR programmes that are strategically aligned with business. we ensure achievement of outcomes as per plan, through rigorous programme management and monitoring. leveraging strengths and passion of employees to involve them meaningfully in social causes is another important area of our work with corporates. Our programs provide ample opportunity for employee volunteering, pro-bono services and strategic funding support to enhance CSR initiatives.
We collaborate with NGOs / Schools / Government / Teacher Education Institutions who are working with children, young people and women.
ORF collaborates with grant agencies / foundations / multi-lateral agencies / governments who are keen to support work around education, youth development, teacher development, employability for young people.
We collaborate with local and international colleges, universities, gap year agencies and international fellowship programs to engage in short/long-term internships, course credit programs and research that helps students and mid-career professionals gain valuable work experience working on a development projects, understand local challenges and contribute back to the society.
Email: info@odisharising.in

WhatApp: +91 9861367461