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Stakeholders Speak

Shri. Ashok Chandra Panda Test

I am glad to launch Navadarshan project in Odisha which I believe will be a landmark project in changing the lives of ID children in Odisha. I congratulate Odisha Rising Foundation and V-Guard Industries Ltd for their innovative project in addressing the r ea l c a u s e o f d i s a b i l i t y i n O d i s h a . Collaborative action is the need of the hour and through PPP model we can achieve many more milestones. I appreciate ORF team for thinking about the lives of our mentally challenged children and their family. We will support this cause and assure you full cooperation in scaling up this project to every district of Odisha. The SSEPD will work with you to create a strategic road map in promoting the vocational training of the children and parents so that they are mainstreamed and made self-reliant.

Shri Susanta Kumar Chopdar District Education Officer, Kalahandi District

I deeply appreciate the work of Odisha Rising Foundation in Kalahandi district especially in implementing STEM project in 15 selected schools from three blocks - Bhawanipatna, Kesinga & Karlamunda. It's truly transformative experience for the children that bridges technology gaps and f o s t e r S T E M i n t e r e s t a m o n g r u r a l Kalahandi's tribal children. The activities conducted by ORF in the schools are in alignment with the State Government initiative under 5T School Transformation Initiative. The meticulous planning and execution are evident in their innovating project implementation. It caters to the need of our children in technology intervention that empowers teachers and students to perform better. The commitment shown by ORF to execute the Virtual Learning Program in schools and building partnership with local education authorities are noteworthy. The efforts that they are putting in Kalahandi's education landscape are inspiring. I wish them best in the project execution and reporting.

Shri. Pratyush Kumar Panda Head ESG/CSR L&T Mind tree

I know Akhaya Sagar from past 10 years now when he was in Bangalore. I am associated with his organization – Odisha Rising Foundation from last four years. During the Covid Pandemic, I have helped them acquiring OCs to be deployed in community hospitals. I am very happy to see the growth of ORF and congratulate the entire team for their achievements and impact in Odisha. They are very focus on their services to the poor and marginalized communities of Odisha. They address the immediate need of the community and execute innovative projects to make them empowered and s t r e a m l i n e d. T h e y h a v e t h e g o o d understanding of the CSR reports, FUR and Impact. We are working with them in a STEM project that addresses the digital gap amongst the school children studying in the Government Schools. We are very much satisfied partnering with them so far and look forward to create more impactful project together in Odisha.

Akshyamita Kartik Deputy Collector Koraput District, Odisha

I a m d e l i g h t e d t o h i g h l i g h t t h e transformative initiatives of the Odisha Rising Foundation in Koraput District, f o c u s e d o n e m p o w e r i n g t r i b a l communities. As Deputy Collector of Koraput District , I'm proud to share their efforts in education, skill training, and employment generation. One of the cornerstones of this initiative is the provision of special education tailored to the needs of each child. Odisha Rising F o u n d a t i o n h a s d e m o n s t r a t e d a n unwavering commitment to creating inclusive learning environments that allow every child to thrive, irrespective of their intellectual challenges. The impact of this approach on the children's growth and development has been truly heartening to witness. The foundation's skill training programs e m p o w e r t r i b a l y o u t h f o r b e t t e r employment prospects, while employment generation projec ts improve l iving Our collaborative efforts with the Odisha Rising Foundation are driving positive change, promoting inclusivity, and ensuring equal opportunities for all.

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